Van Hage is a stores chain represented by 15 stores in 14 Towns. Most of them are located in Hertfordshire (2 stores), Crawley (1 store), Peterborough (1 store), Reigate (1 store) and Washington (1 store).
Van Hage CrawleyVan Hage PeterboroughVan Hage ReigateVan Hage WashingtonVan Hage WindsorVan Hage TwickenhamVan Hage SheppertonVan Hage StanmoreVan Hage HershamVan Hage Hertfordshire2 storesVan Hage HorsellVan Hage West HorsleyVan Hage Long DittonVan Hage Milford Godalming
Garden Centres - Most popular cities. Information, location, contacts, opening times
BirminghamBristolCardiffEdinburghGlasgowLiverpoolManchesterNewcastle upon TyneOxfordYorkLondonBelfast